Energy of the Day | With Marianne Lane

Divine Freedom & Freedom to Divinity – On Lesbos (Greece)



5 Days with Marianne Lane – Lesbos (Greece) og online

From September 30th to October 4th

Teachings every day from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Price 750 €

Online participation via audio files and short videos: 375 €

New Era Consciousness Workshop

psychics4u.nets interview with Marianne Lane

“It was my privilege to interview Marianne Lane, a modern day shaman, who shares her wonderful story with online magazine. Her path to spiritual enlightenment had started when she unexpectedly met her guides in 2012. Although she initially had some hesitations, it turned into a great opportunity to understand spiritual concepts in the field of healing and energy work.”

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Kirsten Stendevad
Kirsten Stendevad@kirstenstendevad
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’Marianne Lane has a rare and mystical ability to see what others can´t see. Even though she is known as a modern shaman, and truly works in ways that are highly mysterious, even “weird” for the regular mindset, her background as a nerdy environmental engineer shows up in her mystical work as a researchlike curiosity, to get to the root of a problem and fix it from within. In my conversations with Marianne, I have often been surprised by a perspective from her, that I would never have come up with myself, and that has saved me a lot of time and trouble. Most of the people I have have introduced to Marianne, say that she has a rare ability to plug in to the “cloud” and download information that makes them feel seen deeply within. So if you feel trapped in an abyss, a consultation with Marianne might be what gets you out of there in record time.’’ Kirsten Stendevad, founder Illumina International Leadership Academy
Maria Lauridsen Jensen
Maria Lauridsen Jensen@marialauridsenjensen
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“I can recommend Marianne LanesTeaching.If you want to expand your ability to sense and experience life.She can offer you shortcuts to the mystical realms and can magic opportunities.And she also gives you practical that can assist you in getting even more juiciness out of this life”.
Brian Hayashi Sørensen
Brian Hayashi Sørensen@brianhayashi
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“I have followed Marianne’s teachings for over 10 years. Being a searcher of life´s purpose and meaning all my life, I´m so grateful to have had a teacher and mentor with so much wisdom, love and true abilities. Marianne has had a profound impact and has helped me to balance my body, emotions, spirit and circumstances, expanding my consciousness to reaching new dimensional levels that allow fluent access to my own true inner wisdom. I am forever grateful.”
Christina Louise Poivey
Christina Louise Poivey@yoga_treat
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“Mariannes depth, capacity and reach is outstanding. Her contribution priceless. From the very concrete and practical to the abstract and mystical. So much beyond all so-called ‘normal standards and levels’ that our human selves do not understand (all of it). I was resisting for a long time. Now I know; If you dedicate yourself and do the work, you realise how the teachings unfolds from within. So deep. So far reaching. So transforming. And so meaningful. You can even gain from her work, just by listening to her – and say ‘Yes please’. She is truly dedicated and professional. Loving and wise. She holds space with integrity, high ethical standards and a warm heart. I keep on being amazed by the sharpness and flow in her live teachings and by her competence, strength and sensitivity in working with the energy and fields – even very large ones. I highly recommend Marianne’s work. It’s magical and key for the New Time on Earth. It truly serves a higher purpose for us all.”

New Era Consciousness – Online live Teachings plus updates

With over 10 years of experience, Marianne Lane holds a teaching space led by inner guidance that is aligned with the new era energies.

Marianne will share access to this field with participants in the teachings, allowing you to have the knowledge of how it works and giving you the simple tools required to keep the access, and use it for maintenance of your own growth and connection.

We meet Two hours twice a month – 11€ pr month

One of the participants have shared this:


“I can recommend these sessions as an alternative approach to try to capture both positive and negative thoughts/feelings/sensations that have proven elusive, maybe for many years. She is genuine and authentic in her commitment to help and attempts to ground nebulous concepts in reality while emphasizing that it practically adds life quality. This also means that she is not afraid of hard work or setting a high standard of engagement. It might be of special interest to those that feel stuck in their heads 😉

Marianne Lanes International YouTube Channel

  • Full Moon Energetic Updates
  • Pray for Peace
  • Teachings
  • Healings

Full Moon Energetic Updates with Marianne Lane

Welcome to Full Moon Energetic Updates with Marianne Lane, where we perform cleansing and healing in extensive areas and for the earth.

At present, a pillar network of light has been established, activated, and risen above the earth to support the raising of consciousness of the earth. In addition, a crystal grid of energy has been opened, which supports the unity and consciousness of opening upon the earth.

The healing and effect of the work are put into the field of the earth so that all those who consciously or unconsciously reach out for change and awareness-raising can benefit from the work.

There will be a different focus from time to time, depending on current opportunities and influxes. Therefore, each full moon will have its own focal point and work.

Including Q & A in continuation of the Full Moon Work.

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This video is will give you a healing that brings you in to the consciousness state of the new era. The healing is given to you by Marianne Lane and is called Life Force Enlightenment LFE. The healing opens your energetic field and energy in to the balance, that you are about to reach and helps to release the knots and blockages that comes from living with issues and rebounds from the old era consciousness – It helps you in to the deeper relaxed contact with your self and gives a more clear sight both internal and external. It is a true new era healing and is thus intelligent and adjust to the receiving person – adjusting to what suits them the best right here and right now. I hope you enjoy the healing and it will be highly appreciated if you would comment with your experience with the healing and share it, if it feels right.

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About Marianne Lane

I am originally trained as an engineer and have previously worked as a specialist and project manager. I have loved working at the university conducting research, where we used molecular biology to investigate microbial degradation of environmental pollutants. Furthermore, I have enjoyed working on research and development within engineering science.