Channeled by Marianne Lane: The Grotte De Bethlehem, Ussat, France – November 9, 2024.
This channeling delves into the sacred energy of The Grotte De Bethlehem, a place of profound spiritual history connected to the Cathar legacy. Through Marianne Lane’s guidance, this session brings forth messages of connection, transformation, and the awakening of dragon consciousness, bridging ancient wisdom with present-day realities. The Grotte De Bethlehem is located on the cliffside just outside of the small town of Ussat in the Ariege Region. The cave is nearby Montsegur as it was an sacred place of the Cathar people who lived in the area.
Remember at all times, even though we are doing anything and everything to stay focused, to only sense from within. Have this experience that no matter what comes by, no matter what invites you, you only allow it to support you.
Don’t let anything distract you. Don’t let anything truly invite you, only communications.
As I’m sensing the stone that invited me to come closer, I still keep the connection open. I’m not allowing my brain action, my emotional action, or anything to bring me out of this inner connection. Connected still to the mutual and my own at the same time, I sense the support from the mutual as I’m feeling how difficult it is for me right now, though I don’t know why. I just sense something difficult, like a gate, like a narrow point that I need to be really sincere and aware of.
So I allow my consciousness to focus on this point. It just seems difficult, and when I’m entering this point, suddenly I can see a lot of glowing beings coming in here. Can you see them? They are everywhere. They are spirits who initiated the usage of this sacred space, and they will allow us to use it if they are invited in as equals.
We can have our own ceremony. We can have what is right for us, our connection, and everything that supports us, as long as they are invited in as part of this, an equal part of us. By that, we are bringing them into life—this life—by acknowledging their path and their creation of this possibility that we are invited to use with our capacity or availability. If we use it without acknowledging and respecting their role in the creation, we will not be able to deliver to them, and they will not be able to support our work.
Sense from within your connection, from your inner core, your inner source. Allow your connection with these golden spirits to arise. Connect with them from this inner point of completion. Now they are reaching us. We are holding the gate for them to reach us for this mutual work.
We hold the gate with our appreciation, respect, acceptance, and availability. We allow ourselves to be supported—our dragon consciousness, our council consciousness—allowing it to support us well into this energy work that we know nothing about yet. Allow yourself to be nothingness, release all thoughts, and sense how you are supported into this nothingness.
The gates to other realms open now, and you are connected to some of these. Maybe you sense them opening in your field. Allow it to be. Open the gates of humanity. We are here as representatives for humanity in our version, in this incarnation.
The dragons with the timelines before time open the new foundation for the undisturbed version of humanity. Allow it, allow it, allow it.
The dragon consciousness gathers with the huge dragons, the dragon-line dragons, being the connection between the timeline dragons and the dragon-line dragons. The dragon lines are created from the connection between dragons in different realities, connecting consciousness and availability.
As a dragon timeline prepares to support and reassure that the timelines opened after the zeroing function and are secured, the consciousness developed through observational timelines ensures the creation of a being that fosters love, peace, and harmony. A civilization that mirrors other realities, carrying balance, opens.
Your dragon consciousness connects to the huge dragon timelines, dragon lines, and dragons. Your council version between the dragons, your dragon mastery, connects with the highest version of humanity.
We are in the mutual field at the same time. Now, in our group and in the vast field, we are extracting dragon mastery for humanity to create proof of the connection for this possibility. You are Dragon Mastery, called upon for everyone here on this Earth who is part of your path—the ones you know, the ones you don’t know yet, and the ones you will never know.
The dragon portal at Monsegur ignites and begins creating the dragon crystal skull. The first small movements begin as this rune opens. Your Dragon Mastery expands in the mutual field with this proof, created together with those who are part of your path in this life.
The ones you know, the ones you come to know, and the ones you will never know. As they support your Dragon Mastery, you are supporting this. Chain reactions release the chains, the old locks that were created to cause isolation of our version. Slowly, the isolation becomes permeable.
Pure Dragon Mastery receives the light that comes through the creation of the membrane. The light enters your Mastery and completes you, ending all needs as you are brought into your completion. Now the expansion opens, and the membrane extends throughout the universe, throughout cosmic realities, creating a new connection between the dragon fields.
This ignition expands in all fields of consciousness. The mutual field of Earth people creates a consciousness internet that contains all versions of dragon masteries, restarting humanity into a humane version.
The stretch, the expansion, is ongoing. The crystal dragons wait at the outer edge of the universe, from cosmic Atlantis, beginning their support and calling. Perhaps you sense it from within—an enhancement of your knowingness. Allow it. Allow it. Allow it. No force, no applause.
Nothingness is the contribution you deliver here.
The golden ring is created and brought in by the potentials across the universe. It solidifies, ensures, and contains the new possibility to restrain a conscious consciousness into balance, created by dragon consciousness and dragon mastery. The golden ring opens from within, and you have a golden globe—a sun globe—that activates in your spirit.
Spirit, spirit, spirit.
It carries the “now” and the universe, creating the expanding nothingness that brings oneness and the contra field into a reality version. The density of the connection grows immediately with the strength of the dragon.
Now, for a moment, we enter this space where you will meet Grace—something here to support them in this shift, into being this carrier, this carriage.
♪ Slowly, still in the zone, still focused, still allowing it. Slowly, begin the path to the mutual experience again, still allowing it.
Reaching the crystal dragons in the cosmic field and within initiates the sun globe consciousness, igniting in all the wisdom fields that have ever praised the sun in any way. Open the Grail of Earth—the Grail of Earth people. Let’s restart with all the wisdom fields carried in and now positioned with the Dragon Mastery field.
The crystal dragon in cosmic Atlantis is brought to life. A glow opens in their eyes. Let it glow, let it glow. It opens in your eyes from within, bringing the possibility to see wisdom in everything and anything—even when wisdom has not matured and still needs to endure to mature. Seeing it from a truthful perspective opens with this glow.
As your eyes glow with the wisdom of the crystal dragons from cosmic Atlantis, their glow grows, bringing them back to life. Something is proven right. The truth consciousness opens from within and activates your spine.
The dragon crystals align. In the nothingness space, wisdom arrives—the wisdom that creates a reality where everybody thrives. A true reality is one where everyone can exist and contribute without being dismissed from mutuality. Everybody is included; nobody is excluded, without a doubt.
Raising the vibration, allow it.
Your libraries open for purification, creating a newer era version. The library ensures no infection by non-truth versions. A consistent, persistent consciousness is created through these libraries. The lost archives begin to glow as a dragon of cosmic Atlantis ignites what they know.
The knowingness that creates the wisdom to come is embedded in these archives, now brought into the libraries and initiated within everyone. Codes, possibilities, and availabilities for consciousness arise in your DNA memory field—your inner library.
They are different, for sure, because on this Earth every kind of consciousness is present right now. Every connection with the libraries activates right now. So different, so strong, creating new bonds and shifts in connection with reality.
The lost archives check your sense of reality and immediately shift it, showing you reality in this work—this calling that brought you here. Without a smear, so clear, it reignites your knowingness from within, expanding across time and space, initiating the energy system with soul grace.
The creator molecule, the DNA across time and space, has been dying. The cosmic dragons from cosmic Atlantis ignite it into levitation, transforming it into the alive version of DNA—the living version of life, reaching the bottom of everything.
We are restarting where everything began, again and again. No endings and no beginnings. We invite you in through your axis, your constant existence. In this true connection, where there is no reflection, your connection anchors into the bottom of everything, ensuring that the new beginning includes the release of the death wish.
Releasing the death wish from the archives, the short circuit of God’s light is released.
Released, released, released.
The golden city, the city of rainbows, the crystal city, and the consciousness from beyond in cosmic Atlantis now become one. Every previous priest and priestess enter, connecting to this unification and the liberation of the death wish from within.
The 12 cosmic spirals check in—each and every one of them. Together, they form the old frame.
The cosmic activation of the DNA memory field now connects throughout the universe. You are optimal. All your possibilities for the highest potential now begin to extract from your DNA library the capacity to carry the sun glow.
Everything connects and collects in the core of Earth. The core of Earth connects with the center of the universe. The center of the universe opens to the cosmic field. The purity of the universe opens to the cosmic field, and the pure version of Earth’s field activates the cosmic field.
The pure version of your field, originating in cosmic Atlantis and lost through time, now relives through you—right here, right now, in this reality.
The wisdom keepers from all times are here, appreciating that you’ve proven the capacity of this creation in this reality. Beyond understanding, beyond comprehension.
Allow it to settle, settle, settle.
The old, ancient underworld archives prepare. Breathe.
As your part of the underworld archive, the unresolved karma of Earth goes into preparation. As we move into the next day, we will continue working to liberate unresolved karma deeply embedded in the heaviest version of this Earth.
Carrying the capacity to connect all karmic archives and burdens for all realities, we create one contribution to release these karmic burdens and regrets carried in the universe.
The anti-grail of the first consciousness—love—enters preparation. It relates to the anti-grail of the first consciousness, which is love and your version, your carriage in this life, your eternal soul.
The ceremony and energy work here are landing.
Allow it. Breathe, sense your body and physical senses connecting with reality. Allow your back and consciousness, with grace, to support you in this shift, ensuring everything opened here will stay.
Allowing it, allowing it, allowing it.
No hesitation creates levitation.
Landing. So supported.