Awakening Dragon Consciousness: A Ceremony at Bugarach | 2024

This ceremony, conducted at the sacred site of Bugarach on November 12, 2024, takes us on a profound journey of transformation and connection. In this ceremony, we align with the vibrations of the land, activating ancient energies and unlocking layers of dragon consciousness within ourselves and the area. The mountain becomes a portal, bridging dimensions and linking us to cosmic and earthly networks.

Through the unfolding of this experience, the message calls for unity, peace, and the awakening of a new era of consciousness. With support from sacred sites, cosmic energies, and the natural elements, this text invites you to step into a space of harmony, interconnectedness, and profound expansion.

Prepare to connect deeply with the earth, the stars, and your own higher consciousness as you journey.



Connecting with the area, using your training and your experiences, I sense the extra vibrations that open here. These extra vibrations are created by space technologies.

We sense extra vibrations in the Maria Magdalene Church together with Susan Kay, when the bell was ringing and contributing to the frequencies of the sound A. At the same time, these spacious frequencies can reach us, especially when we open to our knowingness and conscious awareness, allowing us to be centered and truly connected to what we are—nothing else, nothing less.

The world becomes an anchor for the Consciousness Web, preparing for unification with the World Wide Web. The expansion opens from within, aligning your personal Consciousness Web and your connection to the new version of the future.

On our journey here, we have worked with our contribution and are now receiving what we need to activate this contribution. Allowing it, allowing it, allowing it. As the field starts to open wider and broader, the dragons are entering. At the same time, your own dragon consciousness begins to unfold from within, almost like pushing a button.

You, yourself, with your intention and your physical being, push your own button for your dragon consciousness, allowing it to manifest deeply within, and almost in the physical field, in your own connection to your physical body. It has been in you and in this area, and part of the contribution is opening the dragon consciousness in this place—right here, on the mountain that almost looks like the back of a dragon.

As it comes alive in you, it also comes alive in the energy field, bringing forth the future wisdom that we are meant to become. With each breath, allow your body to work with the unfolding process of your dragon consciousness. This entire area is perfectly designed for this unfolding into new layers, activating new parts of your consciousness—your futuristic consciousness, your space consciousness.

The broad perspective of the mountain scenery, its different layers, and its dimensions begin to click into place. It feels as if wind is being given to your dragon wings. Deep breaths accompany the unfolding process as you cooperate with the area and awaken the energy within the mountain.

As she awakens, she calls in the new era, affirming that we are ready. This call is heard in the cosmos, received and confirmed, sending echoes outward and receiving them back. The echoes ripple within you, starting a process like drops of water spreading rings in a continuum of movement.

Your consciousness is awakened by the echo, opening to the new membrane—the crystal walls of the new era consciousness. These crystal walls begin their creation and manifestation, igniting a new way of communicating. They function like a consciousness screen, reflecting only what resonates with the new era consciousness, which is rooted in love and growth.

This new free consciousness is no longer restrained but contained, reaching for higher points and new states of knowing. As you center in this new point, you access new contributions to human evolution.

So much help, so much support is coming in from everywhere—above, below, beyond. Streams, waves, and rays of support pour in, releasing the old contamination of consciousness. The old web, rooted in the human nervous system, is being cleansed and prepared.

The decontamination of the Earth’s nervous system is unfolding. The old tensions in the web are releasing, replaced by a healthy ignition, perfectly balanced with your body and consciousness. This supports you in becoming more of what you already are, imagining the wholeness of yourself and the Earth as it is being birthed into a new state of expansion.

The sacred mountaintops collaborate in creating this new web. Dragon masters step in, readying for a new way of communication. As the Earth receives energy through its highest points, you receive energy through your deepest core.

Motherships are being called in, activating the old pyramid systems that now align with cosmic spheres. The cosmic archives open, contributing their wisdom. Stay focused and grounded in your experience right here and now.

The journey reaches its climax as the new energetic environment fully shifts. Communication aligns with the inner essence of the human mutual consciousness field, silencing disturbances and noise. This sacred field expands, allowing humanity to connect without demands, fostering harmony and collaboration.

Sacred sites ignite, balancing the energy and transitioning into a new version of reality. This is not a gradual shift but an immediate ignition. As the huge fields activate, we allow grace to support us.

The interconnectedness of all beings comes into focus. Threads of connection spread from the sacred sites through the natural streams and mountain lines, linking dimensions, space, and time. This prepares humanity to consciously connect with a network far beyond this planet and dimension.

The mountain opens as a portal, rooting into the Earth and connecting to space. It invites us to tune in, becoming one with its ecosystem. Together, as one organism, we align with the wind, the water, the soil, and the sun.

Information travels instantly through this oneness, creating a peaceful state of being. The currents of energy harmonize, stopping conflict and streamlining flows into a unified movement.

Light beings become visible, their energy shining like sunlight on the mountaintops. The energy continues to flow as we descend, reaching the ground before darkness.

It feels like the old days when fires were lit on hills to send messages. The energy spreads, mountain to mountain, universe to universe. The message is clear: the new era has begun.

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