Maria Lauridsen Jensen
“I can recommend Marianne LanesTeaching.If you want to expand your ability to sense and experience life.She can offer you shortcuts to the mystical realms and can magic opportunities.And she also gives you practical tools.to that can assist you in getting even more juiciness out of this life”.
Kirsten Stendevad
’Marianne Lane has a rare and mystical ability to see what others can´t see. Even though she is known as a modern shaman, and truly works in ways that are highly mysterious, even “weird” for the regular mindset, her background as a nerdy environmental engineer shows up in her mystical work as a researchlike curiosity, to get to the root of a problem and fix it from within.
In my conversations with Marianne, I have often been surprised by a perspective from her, that I would never have come up with myself, and that has saved me a lot of time and trouble.
Most of the people I have have introduced to Marianne, say that she has a rare ability to plug in to the “cloud” and download information that makes them feel seen deeply within.
So if you feel trapped in an abyss, a consultation with Marianne might be what gets you out of there in record time.’’
Kirsten Stendevad, founder Illumina International Leadership Academy
Christina Louise Poivey
“Mariannes depth, capacity and reach is outstanding. Her contribution priceless. From the very concrete and practical to the abstract and mystical. So much beyond all so-called ‘normal standards and levels’ that our human selves do not understand (all of it).
I was resisting for a long time. Now I know; If you dedicate yourself and do the work, you realise how the teachings unfolds from within. So deep. So far reaching. So transforming. And so meaningful. You can even gain from her work, just by listening to her – and say ‘Yes please’.
She is truly dedicated and professional. Loving and wise. She holds space with integrity, high ethical standards and a warm heart.
I keep on being amazed by the sharpness and flow in her live teachings and by her competence, strength and sensitivity in working with the energy and fields – even very large ones.
I highly recommend Marianne’s work. It’s magical and key for the New Time on Earth. It truly serves a higher purpose for us all.”
Brian Hayashi
“I have followed Marianne’s teachings for over 10 years. Being a searcher of life´s purpose and meaning all my life, I´m so grateful to have had a teacher and mentor with so much wisdom, love and true abilities. Marianne has had a profound impact and has helped me to balance my body, emotions, spirit and circumstances, expanding my consciousness to reaching new dimensional levels that allow fluent access to my own true inner wisdom. I am forever grateful.”

Julie Mariel
“I’ve taken a lot of courses with her (Marianne) where I’ve learned a lot of very powerful techniques. And I find her a very competent teacher”
Benjamin Lassesen
“Marianne Lane has for me been the best teacher for me. Both when it comes to learning how to give healing and work with energy. But also to ground my spitiual opening and to intergrate it, so I have become more functional and functioning as an everyday person”
Rie Jespersen
“I would like to give my warmest recomendations of Marianne Lane and her teachings. She’s taught me a lot that I use today in my work as a modern day shaman “